Friday, March 31, 2017

3rd quarter blog

The Biggest improvement I made in the 3rd quarter is using TIQA more often because now that I use it most of the times, it starts to get more helpful and easy. Although I do struggle  with it sometimes I still think I’ve made an improvement on it.

Something that i’m proud that I accomplished is passing a retake in Math because most of the time I fail a retake and can't do anything else. But when I passed 2 of my retakes I was very surprised and a bit happy that I did pass. If i were to not pass it I would’ve been stuck with a 2 or a 1 in my grades.

Something that was challenging was to study on multiple subjects. This was very challenging because I didn’t know what I should study first and felt like everything was important and had to study all of them at their same time. I’m starting to solve this by studying one thing and another the next day

Monday, March 13, 2017

Night blog

   Throughout the story I see a lot of changes that Elie faces. In the beginning of the book, Elie was very pious about his religion as in the beginning of the book, there are many different quotes that show how pious he is about his religion.  "why do you weep when you pray?' He asked me, has though he known me a long time." (2) This shows that whenever he prays he shows a lot of emotion showing how serious he is when he prays. Elie is also a very clam person in the beginning of the book and wanted to be ahead on his religion

   Elie starts to change when he arrived at Auschwitz as in the book it says "Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which depreiced me for all eternity" (32) he is basically saying that his god is silent and every prayer he made was nothing. Not only that but his behavior is starting to change after he realized his god is silent and also claiming that his soul has been destroyed. Elie is nbow only focusing on surviving and getting out alive. This is a huge change because in the beginning of the book Elie was calm and pious but now he is thinking that his religion is nothing but a silent lie and says surviving is his only chance.

   Finally the biggest change is when Elie found out his father died and this is huge because he felt freedom when he was taken away and he had no prayers and didn't weep. This is huge because after all this time of taking care of his father, he did it like he was forced to but now that he was taken he seeked freedom and the need to do anything without any worries.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Butterfly Project

At Terezin

"When a new child comes 
Everything seems strange to him.
What on the ground I have to lie?
Eat black potatoes? No! Not I! 
I've got to stay? It's dirty here! 
The floor-why look, it's dirt, I fear!
And I'm supposed to sleep on it?
I'll get all dirty!

Here the sound of shouting, cries,
And oh, so many flies.
Everyone knows flies carry disease.
Oooh, something bit me! Wasn't that a bedbug?
Here in Terezin, life is hell
And when I'll go home again, I can't yet tell"
Teddy 1944

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