Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quarter 2 Reflection

We did many things over the 2nd quarter and now that it's about to end i'm going to write a reflection about the 2nd quarter. During the second we read a lot of books and one of my favorite books is Maus By Art Spiegelman. Maus is about Art's father experiences during the holocaust, talking about the many people who were involved and the horrors that takes place. So far I wrote 2 blogs talking about the book, one being the first one of the series and the other is the 2nd part of the series. I like this book. Because it is a very interesting tale when you read about the people who were involved and how detailed it was described by the images shown. Although is has a bit of graphic scenes, I recommend getting it if you are interested on reading about the Holocaust.

Now to talk about my biggest improvements and so far my biggest improvement is starting to understand more about annotations. In the beginning of annotations I was struggling a bit, by now I'm starting to get used to it and i'm actually proud of it because accomplishing something that I didn't understand before is a huge deal for me. Annotating could help me understand the article more and also answer my questions that I've been wondering about the article. 

The most challenging part of 2nd quarter is me keeping track on the things that I need to finish. Sometimes I forget to work on homework and write important stuff down during class. I can overcome this by reminding myself to turn in unfinished work or to finish work that needs to be done and turned in. Quarter 2 was very challenging for me and hopefully it's less challenging in quarter 3 and 4.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Book Talk: Maus II: and here my trouble began

The book that I'm currently reading is called Maus II: and here my trouble began by Art Spiegleman which is realistic fiction and is the second book in the series. In the first book it is about a jewish father named Vladek Speigleman who is sharing his stories in Auschwitz to his son who is writing a book about the experience his father had during the holocaust. The second book talks more about his experience but it is more dramatic than the last book. The mood of this book is a combination between shocking and sad because the book talks about some of the deaths and horrible experience to others who struggled in the holocaust. As of now I only read 75 pages of the book so the ending is sti a mystery for me.