Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thankful Blog

The thing that I am thankful for this year is that I have my family with me and that i still support them and they support me and my other siblings. My family takes care of each other and also help anyone that is in need. I think other people should also be thankful for their family because they support them ever since they were born and can help you anytime if you need anything.

Another thing that I am thankful for is that I have my friends. When i’m bored or need help with something I always ask my friends if they could help me or if they want to do something. Friends are usually always there for you no matter what the situation it is. Friends are also the best thing to have alongside with family and sometimes it’s better to try stuff with people you know.

The last thing that I am thankful for is that I have the internet because the internet can have almost everything from social media to entertainment to information and other helpful resources. It also has materials than get be used to help you with stuff like projects, essays, etc. I am glad that I am thankful for these things but I am truly thankful about our world.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

What I learned from the Gallery walk

Today in the gallery walk I learned that A super moon that's greater than pluto and is similar to earth has been discovered but not fully. Scientist report that they have evidence that proves that the planet exists and is called planet nine labeled for the ninth planet of our solar system. This could affect us because scientists are trying to find out if it exists and if it does can it support life? It can also affect us badly because since it changes our orbit slightly and could cause clusters of asteroids there could be a chance it could hit earth.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election Reflection

So yesterday was election day to see who would be the new president of the United States. Now so far people are getting a bit worried about the new president, couple of hours later Donald Trump is elected president and people are either panicking, proud or just don't care in general. Now the thoughts that I have for the results of the election is that I think that it is crazy how Trump would win even if he is receiving all this hate and people making rants about, while Hillary is also getting hate but also a little more support. Not only that but people are going insane about these polls and the candidates that they're spreading rumors and start to point fingers on why they shouldn't be elected.

From what I know about the election this year even with no experience I don't think i'm excited or hyped about being able to vote next time because I have a feeling that who ever I support in the next election it would turn like the one this year and it would just be pure chaos. I also don't know if the presidents that I get to vote are either going to be good or bad. But I guess there is only one way to found out. Some people like to share their opinion but I don't i'm in the mood for sharing my opinion to anyone because I think there's gonna be some rally about politics and such that i don't want to be a part of.

The issues after the election ended is insane. So many people are protesting because of trump winning even thought he isn't running the office until January. People are so far going crazy about Trump winning and Hillary losing and some people are kind of hypocritical. For example before the election news letters and articles are claiming that Hillary would have a huge chance to win and people tell Trump supporters to deal with who ever is president. Once trump one everyone went insane and started to argue and complaining that the election was rigged and such. Not only that but people are also starting to cause massive arguments and strikes because they want a "change" which is unbelievable. But hey i'm not complaining about who became president I just want to see how this goes even though he didn't run the office yet.